Lets Go !!

Welcome to minifig.co.uk.

This site is no longer updated other than this one. I haven't had the space or time to build with Lego for several years now, well seeing as the last site update was 2006 and its now 2013 probably several more than that. This site is a catalogue of most of the MOCs I built between 2001 and 2006. Some still remain built, well the better ones. One day the bricks will be dusted off and I'll do something with them again. If you have arrived here from a dead link, my apologies but a server move required me to rewrite the old site into php to bring it slightly up to date technically. I've not done much more than change the code from one language to the other so its not a real update as such. All the old content is still here though so you just might need to dig for it (or change the default.asp in the url to index.php)

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